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Old 01-09-2023, 09:26 PM
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Why are restoration shops being pointed out as the bad guys for making a living and "driving up the cost" of the hobby? I for one do not nor have I ever restored a car for a flipper. One who wants to "restore" the car simply to take it to the auction and flip it and make a ton of money. I only restored for the collectors of which few seldom ever complain about the cost and got what they paid for, their dream car. I am in this hobby for the love of it and certainly NOT the money as I for one have NEVER gotten rich restoring cars. I would also ask why it is ok for people to sell cars and make a nice profit but it is not ok for those that helped you get that profit? Many say they are using it for their investment but we cannot be part of their reason for making that profit on their investment? Those who say our prices are too high don't seem to have an issue being paid well for what they do for a living yet it is wrong that we do???? Building a home is certainly ridiculously costly but I do not hear some of you complaining about that every time you build another home. Many of you make as much or more per hour than I charge for my hourly shop rate (NOT what I get paid). My shop rate is 50% of what my local new car dealership charges but I am wrong? Wow! Sorry to vent on here but I for one have NEVER gotten rich from this livelihood but it is the one I chose and loved so I take it for what it gave me, just don't make US out to be the ones at fault.
Rick Nelson
Musclecar Restoration and Design, Inc (retired)
specialized in (only real) LS6 Chevelle restorations

Last edited by SS427; 01-10-2023 at 12:33 AM.
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Old 01-09-2023, 09:45 PM
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Rick....message received and understood and supported
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Old 01-09-2023, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by SS427 View Post
Why are restoration shops being pointed out as the bad guys for making a living and "driving up the cost" of the hobby? I for one do not nor have I ever restored a car for a flipper. One who wants to "restore" the car simply to take it to the auction and flip it and make a ton of money. I only restored for the collectors of which few seldom ever complain about the cost and got what they paid for, their dream car. I am in this hobby for the love of it and certainly NOT the money as I for one have NEVER gotten rich restoring cars. I would also ask why it is ok for people to sell cars and make a nice profit but it is not ok for those that helped you get that profit? Many say they are using it for their investment but we cannot be part of their reason for making that profit on their investment? Those who say our prices are too high don't seem to have an issue being paid well for what they do for a living yet it is wrong that we do???? Building a home is certainly ridiculously costly but I do not hear some of you complaining about that every time you build another home. Many of you make as much or more per hour than I charge for my hourly shop rate (NOT what I get paid). My shape rate is 50% of what my local new car dealership charges but I am wrong? Wow! Sorry to vent on here but I for one have NEVER gotten rich from this livelihood but it is the one I chose and loved so I take it for what it gave me, just don't make US out to be the ones at fault.
Vent away buddy. I am with you.

The biggest reason restoration is so expensive is because it is incredibly time consuming!!!!

Guessing your labor rate is on par with independent repair shops. Because of the high degree of skill, I would expect to pay higher rates.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet ... Ben Franklin
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Old 01-09-2023, 10:47 PM
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The good Corvette restoration shops I've known have been operated by standup individuals that work hard for a living.
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Old 01-10-2023, 12:03 AM
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Additionally, these hard working shop owners are faced with ever increasing costs of doing business, aka overhead, plus cost of materials, local, state, and federal regulations, AND trying to retain competent employees.

I was on the phone this morning with my body/paint guy who mentioned how he no longer has anyone to install convertible tops. So many skilled people are leaving the business. - Bill W
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Old 01-10-2023, 12:58 AM
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Originally Posted by 67since67 View Post
Additionally, these hard working shop owners are faced with ever increasing costs of doing business, aka overhead, plus cost of materials, local, state, and federal regulations, AND trying to retain competent employees.

I was on the phone this morning with my body/paint guy who mentioned how he no longer has anyone to install convertible tops. So many skilled people are leaving the business. - Bill W
I've been in the market for a quality classic car for the past two years or so. As much as the prices bother me, Bill's comments have worried me more so. I have noticed the difficulty in finding skilled people in our hobby. Maybe I'm wrong but I took 427.060 comment (post 19) as a compliment to guys like Rick. If a correction occurs, maybe the scammers and second-rate shops will fall by the wayside and the quality restorers like Rick will flourish. One can hope right?
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Old 01-10-2023, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Teddy View Post
I've been in the market for a quality classic car for the past two years or so. As much as the prices bother me, Bill's comments have worried me more so. I have noticed the difficulty in finding skilled people in our hobby. Maybe I'm wrong but I took 427.060 comment (post 19) as a compliment to guys like Rick. If a correction occurs, maybe the scammers and second-rate shops will fall by the wayside and the quality restorers like Rick will flourish. One can hope right?
I presume shops like Rick's have such a backlog for restorations, they can not get them all completed as it is. I believe it all boils down to the expertise and the staff to be able to continually produce a high end award winning product. Rick has proven time and time again that he and his staff are the people to deliver a restoration that is correct will pass all judging criteria currently in place.

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Old 01-10-2023, 04:17 AM
aawtech aawtech is offline
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Originally Posted by 427.060 View Post
Is that necessarily a bad thing?
What a horrible comment! Most "GOOD" restoration shops are doing great work at a fair price, and turn out a beautiful car for someone who lacks the talent to do so for themselves. Ask any shop owner, they are NOT getting wealthy. Some guys chase the dragon month to month to keep the place going.

I cannot be believe that a car person, on a site like the Super Car Registry, would even think about the comment you made, much less blurting it out in writing on the site.

Furthermore, I can't believe I'm the only person who called you out on it.

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Old 01-10-2023, 01:14 PM
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I wouldn't mind it if the bad resto shops went out of business. In to 30 years of doing restorations though, I've only had one bad experience. I send the rare cars out for restoration, and do the less valuable cars myself (except for paint which I don't have the equipment or skill to do myself). If you've ever done a complete nut and bolt restoration, you know that it takes a minimum of 1,000 man hours. A lot of tedious work combined with knowledge and skill.
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Old 01-10-2023, 01:44 PM
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I guess I should have explained my comment. I was referring to the bad shops. The ones that are in it just for the money. The ones that don't put in the research to make sure the restorations are done correctly. The ones that hide and cover up bad work. Shops like Rick's will always have work because of the quality of what they do. I am sorry for not being clear as to what I meant.
1968 Beaumont SD396
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