Hey guys. This is exactly what the hobby is all about at its best. Louis reached out me at Lost Muscle Cars. He wanted to find his dad's old '68 El Camino that was a Philadelphia street legend named "Night Moves". We were able to track down the car with the help of some great enthusiasts who recognized it as having been owned by a Chevelle collector.
We were able to follow Louis as he got to lay eyes on the car his dad made famous. Sadly, Louis' mother passed away right before she got to see the car, but it was her memory that recognized the buzzard on the glove box that confirmed these cars were one in the same!
Louis was on hard times after his moms passing. The El Camino owner was willing to sell the car back, but it was going to take Louis some time to get the funds together. That's where his best buddies stepped in! Unbeknownst to Louis, Chris and his buddies put the deal together, bought the car, and surprise/gifted to Louis!!! What a fantastic group of friends!
We're going to continue following Louis on his journey of returning "Night Moves" to the Philadelphia streets and reliving his dads glory days in the '68 ElCo!