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Old 01-23-2023, 02:09 AM
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Default original Harry Mann license plate frame - Los Angeles

Hi Friends,

I have an original Harry Mann Chevrolet dealership license plate frame available here.

It was on a long time owned El Camino that is currently being restomodded...

The (presumed) original owner added some what looks like household weatherstrip to (also presumably) reduce any vibrations.

I'm sure is says Robert W. Brown (the manufacturer) in Downey Calif. on the backside, but I haven't tried to remove the very stuck on padding on the back. If someone is serious and wants me to investigate and scrape it off, I will.

I have no doubt that this is an original frame based on the patina. It is clearly aged and by no means perfect, it is slightly pitted and not perfectly straight as shown, but has character and is perfect for an original driver or survivor.

This is also the seemingly more desirable version as it says "Los Angeles" rather than "Corvette" and was used on the other Chevys they sold - Camaro, Nova, Chevelle, and others of course - even trucks I bet. The Corvette frames seem to be more plentiful as they were a leading, if not the largest Vette dealer in the nation at the time.

"HARRY MANN" on the top, "Los Angeles" on the bottom and I'm not sure if that's a "front" or "rear" frame - as I've seen dealer names oriented / readable on the larger end with the city name sometimes oriented when the "frame blank" is upside down - I've heard that determined if it was front or back plate, but I cannot be certain.

HARD to find and a desirable frame from a famous local performance dealership that sold a lot of HiPo cars.

Many detailed and up close photos below for a full picture of condition. No breaks or cracks, as shown.

400.00 PPG shipped & insured to the 48.

Cheers all,
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