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Old 01-08-2006, 06:29 PM
sYc sYc is offline
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Default Early Dick Harrell funny cars

As many of you know, several days a go an attack was launched by members of another website, aimed at not only discrediting my funnycar, but no doubt hoping to embarrass myself and the sYc along the way. It was obvious the attack was well orchestrated and pre-meditated, in the planning stages for weeks, maybe even months. Not only did they have someone from their site setup with an anonymous user name to do most of the dirty work (to prevent possible legal action), but they had a couple of “experts” standing by, with scripts in hand. Their evidence consisted of a bunch of photos which A. were hid behind closed doors, and still are, and B. 99% of the photos were of cars other then mine.
In the beginning, I will admit I was slow in responding to their allegations, mainly due to the fact I could not view their evidence. Once I was given brief access to their site, I was ready to respond, and when I did, it seemed to cause confusion in their camp, as even their so called “experts” could not get their stories straight, such as one saying it had a door, another saying it did not.
And as I was trying to explain things, a couple of folks got involved who were missing the point I was trying to make, which made it more difficult for me to explain my side of things. That is why I am starting this thread, to explain my side, without interruption. The thread will not be open, but anyone who would like to discuss things with me are certainly welcome to do so by PM, email or even phone, as several folks did the first time around.
For the past several years I have said that during the 1968 race season, Dick campaigned two flip top funnycars (not counting the Kirby car). Dave Libby and I have discussed this on numerous occasions. The following posts contain the evidence I feel backs this up. Whether you agree with what I am saying in whole, or in part, hopefully it will be both entertaining and informative.

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