After a long and laborious process (due to US Customs), Plain Jane landed yesterday. By a stroke of luck, the temps were in the 20's as opposed to below zero like it was earlier in the week. As one can imagine, a car with the characteristics Plain Jane possesses, it was still not happy starting out of the trailer. Nonetheless, I got it running and is now safe and warm in the shop.
Once the car was up to temp, I was pleasantly surprised with how docile the car is, especially when compared to the L88 in the HM Camaro. I suppose you could say the size of the motor adds manners.
I was on a tight schedule yesterday. In the short time I looked the car over, I don't know that Wayne's pics did the car (and his work) the justice it deserves. It's a stud! I'll get up close and personal with the car tomorrow.
I'll say it again were a true gentleman to deal with. Furthermore, very accommodating with the shipping delays. Through it all and more importantly, I feel like I gained a friend.
More to come!