Thread: Patina...
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Old 11-12-2023, 06:00 PM
dannystarr dannystarr is offline
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I learned from a Camaro friend, the greatest way to make white paint white again was with the careful use of oven cleaner. Of course, you can't leave it on for minutes as the directions would state. However, I tried it on some white on one of my cars and the results were unbelievable! The Brillance of the white in that one spot of use was crazy. Only left it on for a few seconds. Then wiped it off with a damp cloth. I am sure every brand is different in its power and results. I am staying with the recommended brand. I can't wait to do some more someday. Was it scary using it on a car valued at between 130 and 150K ? Yes, of course. But those results were remarkable.
Disclaimer: don't ever use oven cleaner of any kind on a cars paint. Danny
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