Originally Posted by DW31S
Actually, the Silver Bullet’s mill was closer to 500 cubic inches. It was “poked & stroked” by Chrysler engineers and was also put on a helluva diet, as it had fiberglass nose, doors, etc. It was a freakin’ beast that ran through 4 Cadillac mufflers. It ran bottom 10s. The “Sudden Death” Mustang (Mustang II) was even quicker as it ran mid 9s. The Black Ghost wouldn’t have been a threat to those two.
Spot on….487ci….definitely a hired gun!!!
And to top it off…..it had Cragars…..j/s

1969 SS396 Post Sedan Delivered to Van-T Topeka KS
MCACN Day2 Concourse Gold Award
1965 VW El Lobo Dune Buggy built in the mid 70’s for the Iowa Shriners
1968 Schwinn Orange Krate
1969 Schwinn Pea Picker
1968 Schwinn 5-Speed
1970 Schwinn 3-Speed Deluxe
1972 Schwinn 10-Speed Continental
1973 Schwinn 5-Speed Suburban
All Original Paint Bikes
Last edited by 69 Post Sedan; 05-21-2023 at 10:46 PM.