Thread: MCACN Swapmeet
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Old 11-25-2021, 07:15 PM
hiperf69 hiperf69 is online now
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There was myself and Gary from the horn works.
If I was gone he was there.
Thinking the Bell housing, Yes a 621 must of disappeared after we closed up on Saturday.
It was there on Saturday.
Got there on Sunday and took pics just to show the guy’s at work.
Didn’t notice it being missing but not in pics.
We both seen it Saturday.
On Sunday about 2:00 had a couple of friends come back to get a restored
RC-15 big Ear Radiator cap and it was gone.
Unfortunately just to many people and not enough eyes.
Guess I should of had it on the LS-6 radiator out front.
But you know where that would of gone.
Thanks everyone
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