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Xplantdad 03-18-2020 10:36 PM

Corona Virus Member Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
Holly posted this on Facebook-excuse the language...but it needs to be said:

Attachment 161026

And here were my responses.


Amen...Don't be the jerk who ruins it for everyone. Car shows will be back later. Vacations can happen later. Use this time smartly and effectively. Don't think that this couldn't / won't happen to you. Practice what the doctors are saying. We'll all get through this.


Am I overreacting, maybe! But, we've had Holly for 30 wonderful years...and I'll be safe rather than sorry. Don't be a selfish jerk, and we'll all get through this...

Be safe everyone.

Steve Shauger 03-19-2020 12:30 AM

Corona Virus Member Discussion
I think Lynn requested we separate this topic from the values on our cars. A lot of post on the other thread co-mingled both topics so it's difficult transfer those posts..

I have over half my staff working remotely. There are some efficiencies lost but the health and welfare of our employee is most important. My department staff has been with mean average 20 plus years (some 35 yes it's a rather mature group... that the PC speaking ). I've spoken to them collectively as a group, and I felt addressing their concerns individually in these circumstances would help.

It's times like these people step up and are noticed. My glass is half full and wish everyone and their families continued health.

We are all in this together so please respect everyone's opinions and concerns.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 02:22 AM

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 02:34 AM

Theaters Seek Government Assistance for ‘Unprecedented’ Crisis


The movie theater industry is asking for Congress and the Trump Administration to urgently consider fiscal relief as it grapples with a global shut down of business operations due to the coronavirus.

In a March 18 statement from the National Association of Theater Owners, the trade group said the immediate fiscal aid would allow exhibitors and its 150,000 employees to weather the present COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Exhibitors, which include AMC Theatres and Regal Cinemas, are looking for loan guarantees to ease liquidity issues imposed by fixed costs in the face of non-existent revenue.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 02:34 AM

Shouldn't this thread be in the LOUNGE FORUM?

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 02:45 AM

New coronavirus finger-prick test 'can detect infection in 15 minutes'


A UK based laboratory claims it has developed a finger-prick testing kit that can detect Covid-19 infection in just 15 minutes.

AlphaBiolabs told the Liverpool Echo that the test can be performed by an individual or company health professional, and will show whether a person has the coronavirus or not.

The Warrington based firm claimed the sample collection method used is less unpleasant than the current nasopharyngeal method, which involves swapping the nose and the back of the throat.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 02:53 AM

70 copo 03-19-2020 03:48 AM

The CDC just quietly dropped the death toll from 121 to 97. I guess the Coronavirus isn’t as deadly as they predicted.

March 18, 2020
COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*
Total cases: 7,038
Total deaths: 97

Jurisdictions reporting cases: 54 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)

* Data include both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 reported to CDC or tested at CDC since January 21, 2020, with the exception of testing results for persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China and Japan. State and local public health departments are now testing and publicly reporting their cases. In the event of a discrepancy between CDC cases and cases reported by state and local public health officials, data reported by states should be considered the most up to date

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 03:55 AM

NY STATE REELING FROM CORONAVIRUS: Cases jump by more than 1,000 in one day to 2,382, death toll now 20


NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- New York State has more coronavirus cases than any state in the U.S., as the number cases jumped by more than 1,000 in one day to 2,382 statewide, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday.

There have been 20 deaths related to the virus, as well, he announced.

Cuomo also said he would sign an executive order making it mandatory that no more than 50 percent of the workforce can report to work statewide. Essential workers are exempt. Cuomo added media organizations to the essential workers group.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 04:02 AM

Now that we have a dedicated thread, you made this statement 2 days ago. This would be a good place for you to explain your rational.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 04:05 AM

CORONAVIRUS ON LONG ISLAND: Suffolk reports 'dramatic jump' to 152 cases, Nassau reports 278


NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- Long Island, like other areas in the tri-state, continue to see a jump in coronavirus cases: Suffolk County officials on Wednesday reported a "dramatic jump" in cases to 152 countywide; on Tuesday that number was 97.

There are 142 new cases of coronavirus in Nassau County, bringing the countywide total to 278, officials said Wednesday.

The total number of cases on Long Island is 430 as of Wednesday afternoon.

County Executive Steve Bellone said in a briefing, "This is simply a reflection of what we have been talking about," in reference to a boost is testing.

There is also now a drive-through coronavirus testing site at Stony Brook University in Nassau County.

70 copo 03-19-2020 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by Lee Stewart (Post 1489373)

Now that we have a dedicated thread, you made this statement 2 days ago. This would be a good place for you to explain your rational.

Hi Lee

Simple. I am a member of this forum and as such I am entitled to post and contribute to the forum.

SO in 58 days or so when this whole thing fizzles out, the economy of the country is ruined in the process, jobs and careers are lost we can all reflect on the commentary shared right here.

That is the purpose of this forum is it not?

Well did I pass?

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by 70 copo (Post 1489377)
Hi Lee

Simple. I am a member of this forum and as such I am entitled to post and contribute to the forum.

SO in 58 days or so when this whole thing fizzles out, the economy of the country is ruined in the process, jobs and careers are lost we can all reflect on the commentary shared right here.

That is the purpose of this forum is it not?

Well did I pass?

IMO - no you failed . . . to explain how a pandemic like CV-19 will be gone in now less than 60 days. This has NEVER happened in the past before. We have no antivirals and no vaccine. Without them we can't beat a pandemic and they are talking about 6 months to a year before we see them. We are straining our systems just to have people tested. The number of deaths continues to climb each day.

Sure - you can say whatever you want. But I strongly doubt anyone here will agree with your thinking. I certainly don't.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 04:26 AM

dboles 03-19-2020 04:27 AM

If Biden wins the election the virus will suddenly disappear.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 04:32 AM

Younger Adults Comprise Big Portion of Coronavirus Hospitalizations in U.S.


American adults of all ages — not just those in their 70s, 80s and 90s — are being seriously sickened by the coronavirus, according to a report on nearly 2,500 of the first recorded cases in the United States.

The report, issued Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that — as in other countries — the oldest patients had the greatest likelihood of dying and of being hospitalized. But of the 508 patients known to have been hospitalized, 38 percent were notably younger — between 20 and 54. And nearly half of the 121 patients who were admitted to intensive care units were adults under 65, the C.D.C. reported.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 04:38 AM

NYSE to temporarily close trading floor, move to electronic trading because of coronavirus


The New York Stock Exchange said Wednesday it will temporarily close its historic trading floor and move fully to electronic trading after two people tested positive for coronavirus infection at screenings it had set up this week.

All-electronic trading will begin on March 23 at the open, the exchange said. The facilities to be closed are the NYSE equities trading floor and NYSE American Options trading floor in New York, and NYSE Arca Options trading floor in San Francisco.

The closure was in part as a result of positive coronavirus tests of two people, Stacey Cunningham, President of the NYSE, told CNBC. The entrants were stopped at the medical screenings at the Big Board.

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 07:22 AM

Christmas Lights Are Going Back Up All Over the Country to Symbolize Hope

Lee Stewart 03-19-2020 07:51 AM

First two members of Congress test positive for coronavirus


Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, a ninth-term Florida Republican, and Rep. Ben McAdams, a freshman Democrat from Utah, revealed on Wednesday that they had tested positive for coronavirus, becoming the first U.S. lawmakers to contract the virus that‘s spreading across the country.

70 copo 03-19-2020 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Lee Stewart (Post 1489379)
IMO - no you failed . . . to explain how a pandemic like CV-19 will be gone in now less than 60 days. This has NEVER happened in the past before. We have no antivirals and no vaccine. Without them we can't beat a pandemic and they are talking about 6 months to a year before we see them. We are straining our systems just to have people tested. The number of deaths continues to climb each day.

Sure - you can say whatever you want. But I strongly doubt anyone here will agree with your thinking. I certainly don't.

Alright Lee,

I simply posted a factual report form the CDC here. You proceeded to snap shot a post I made in the previous thread on this topic and you called me out.

I answered your question Now you simply troll me and move the goal posts.

Ok Lee, you already apologized in the last thread for fear mongering. I could screen shot and post your apology and sudden exit from the previous thread on this topic but I will not.

So you need even more clarification.


Why do I think the pandemic will be gone in 60 days? Simple. If you believe the Chinese, they have already returned to full production after the outbreak there and 60 days ago the country was literally on fire with the illness.

If they can do it why in the world would anyone think North America cannot?

70 copo 03-19-2020 11:40 AM

Part #2 Cultural.

Italy is an absolute hot spot for Chinese investment. So much so that the mayor of Florence Italy sponsored a "Hug a Tourist" event just before the outbreak went into overdrive there.

Europe is open borders and very Anti Xenophobic too.

Do you think culturally North America would be ok doing this at all with a pandemic looming?

Here is a non partisan video of the attitude that made Italy ground Zero for the pandemic.


70 copo 03-19-2020 12:00 PM

The real impact of the illness is fear, and economic destruction fueled by Panic and hysteria.

The world is not ending.

We will get through this together.

Give the TV a break.

Steve Shauger 03-19-2020 01:15 PM

I'd say we've had enough of the screen shots of the different TV outlets. No one has a crystal ball.

This pandemic has had devastating affects, however from a personal standpoint it does allow us/me to reflect, and perhaps open a dialog with our families and friends.

My daughter and son in-law are full time teachers with 3 young children, and their daily lives are quite chaotic . Now they are spending 24 x7 together as a family. This has opened opportunities to teach their children to be self sufficiency, team work and presents real teaching moments.

I think if we can, help those that are most affected financially by the crisis in any way. My wife and I have done so and it's very rewarding.

I guess what I'm saying is find ways to be as helpful and productive in these times. I always liked JFK's Inaugural address phrase; Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

bergy 03-19-2020 01:31 PM

Come on guys - arguing over the outcome of this thing is getting ridiculous.

More importantly - have any of our members (or anyone that they know) been infected? 🙏

Lynn 03-19-2020 01:37 PM

No one I know has been infected. Of course, we only have 49 confirmed cases in OK, with a population just a tick under 4 million. The optimist in me really wants to believe Phil is right on the money with the 60 day prediction. But, that's all it is; a prediction.

Some of the measures here in OK seem a bit drastic to me. But, I am not a health care professional.

parkbrau 03-19-2020 02:19 PM

I'm the Medical Emergency Manager at Landstuhl Army Medical Center. We have one staff member that popped hot and another tested due to close contact with a service member that popped hot, awaiting results. It's stressful on the staff, especially those with kids, single parents.

I'm going to paste a portion a post I received from another EM pro, retired AF now working FEMA. If you want the entire post I could PM it to you. I thought it was spot on...but this little piece is as well:
Your emergency managers, your public health agencies, your hospitals, and National Guard units and Red Cross are all working incredibly hard, working their ASSES off, to get this right. Will there be mistakes? Oh yes. There will be, were all human, remember? And this is new. But trust me when I say it is as important to them to get it right as it is to you. So, please, cut them some slack. Work WITH each other to take care of each other. If there is only ONE pack of toilet paper left, well darn it just give the other desperate person half the rolls. Don’t lick airplane toilet seats! That’s just nasty! If you work at a restaurant with a drive thru, feed the truck drivers! Don’t be afraid of them! Let them walk up to the speaker, place their order, and then reach around the door to hand them their food if you’re that afraid. But don’t tell them too bad. They need to eat. They need toilets and showers and rest stops so they can deliver YOUR FOOD, YOUR BABY SUPPLIES, YOUR TOILET PAPER, YOUR HAND SANITIZER, YOUR CLOROX WIPES. If you’re asked to self-quarantine, do it! Care about your fellow humans! If your kid’s school shut down, well, I’m sorry. First world problems. Get the kids together (only 10!) and rotate houses, taking turns teaching, playing, learning, feeding them. Missing important milestones like prom? Re-schedule it. Or better yet, have a bunch of mini proms at the kids’ homes. FaceTime proms. Improvise. Military people have been doing it for years. You can too. We need our communities to work together to respond and fight this pandemic. Not leave it up to a handful of people you don’t even trust anyway. STOP perpetuating lies and misinformation. Stop listening to the news, and study up on the scientific sites. Come on people. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make this a long rant. It’s just ridiculous and out of control.

Crush 03-19-2020 02:30 PM

China reported no new cases as of today Starbucks opened up all their stores as have all the Apple stores.

JBALL 03-19-2020 02:37 PM


Update from the food industry:

All major CPG's (Consumer Product Group) are reviewing their portfolio's and will be suspending production on some items to focus on core items.

Fresh chicken is up 100-300% - Foster Farms is at capacity
Packaged meat - up 50 - 200%

Center store is up 50 to 200%

Key categories will be allocation for some time.

Be patient with the store clerks.. they are doing their best. DC's are at capacity for appts. Loads are being prioritized based upon needs. Try to buy what you need.. ask your elderly neighbor if they need anything.

Lastly, put your cart back!

Stay safe,


L78racer 03-19-2020 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by JBALL (Post 1489432)
Lastly, put your cart back!

starting to see lots of used latex gloves on the ground in the parking lots discarded by shoppers. these will end up in drainage systems and likely cause problems.

Burd 03-19-2020 03:12 PM

I saw a video from the cdc, looks like people with type O blood do better with the virus. Type A is way worse.

Steve Shauger 03-19-2020 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Burd (Post 1489437)
I saw a video from the cdc, looks like people with type O blood do better with the virus. Type A is way worse.

Just what I needed to hear !!!!:grin:

A12pilot 03-19-2020 03:39 PM

Great post, Parkbrau! Landstuhl? I flew in and out of Ramstein for years! We’d stay at the Hotel Christine. Man I miss than town. K-Town was fun too! Sniff....good times.

Stay safe and thanks for your service!!


70 copo 03-19-2020 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by bergy (Post 1489414)
Come on guys - arguing over the outcome of this thing is getting ridiculous.

More importantly - have any of our members (or anyone that they know) been infected? ��

I guess an antibody test would tell for sure. I attended the ISCA event in Cincinnati with a group of Norwood Retirees and relatives. I displayed the Last Norwood build there for the public to see. The show had tremendous gate all weekend and I spent time shaking hands all weekend as well.

I had a large bottle of sanitizer on the table and used it liberally all weekend.

All of the retirees got sick after the show within 3-5 days. My cousin got very sick on day 8 her Husband very sick and earlier then her.

Dry Hacking cough, Fever. Two trips to the doctor for him one for her both tested negative for the FLU both recovered. All the retirees recovered.

My wife was sick for 4 days. I was sick for over a week. Low grade fever, headache, and intestinal issues. We both recovered on our own.

Another member of this site was also in close proximity to all of us for an extended period of time. He wound up a asymptomatic, however his wife became very ill 8 days later and was taken to the hospital with pneumonia.

She also recovered.

Do I think this stuff has been here a tad bit longer then we think? You betcha I do.

bergy 03-19-2020 04:12 PM

OMG - it never stops! Conjecture

70 copo 03-19-2020 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by bergy (Post 1489452)
OMG - it never stops! Conjecture

Hey you asked. There was no test kits available. The symptoms match.

As my Drill Instructor Dad told me. Son be aware of the question where any answer you provide will be the "wrong answer".

bergy 03-19-2020 04:31 PM

I give up - have it your way - you were the first to have your own corona pandemic.

Mr70 03-19-2020 04:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Pretty dramatic fact.

EZ Nova 03-19-2020 04:48 PM

Sorry guys, but this will be around way past 60 days. It's now March 19th. China itself has been dealing with it for at least 120 days as there timeline started back in December. They had a few days with no new cases, YET today they had 34. YES there population is huge. Plus you add the fact or there eating habits, like bats, rats dogs and cats multiplied by overcrowding, sure they will probably be the worst hit country on the planet. BUT they have turned the corner HOPEFULLY. North America should be able to do the same.

My friend has 2 daughters in direct contact with the virus with there hospitals in Toronto. They both received letters this week with pretty much a written guarantee they WILL GET COVID 19. They're both in there mid/late 20's. They WILL get sick, BUT THEY WILL RECOVER and once that happens, they WILL NOT GET IT AGAIN.


Then you have this:

10th paragraph:
"The answer is, they didn’t. This virus was created at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and they published the highlights of their creation in November 2015. When you look at the list of “scholars” associated with this Frankenstein of a virus, you’ll see the name Zheng-Li Shi, who just happens to represent the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. Of course, there were other scientists, most representing UNC, but there were also representatives from Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, Switzerland and Harvard Medical School."

Now some I have heard about wanting to bring back work from China and not have them a powerhouse in the world, well this virus is doing that!!!!! Next they wanted the southern US boarder closed to illegals, well that is done not too right?

So IF that article is correct, and was in fact made in a lab on NC, with the help of the head of all that Wuhan China stuff, and now it come out that one of the main players in the designing of this, is from GROUND ZERO of the outbreak. And it also just happens to coincides with 2 major issues of bring jobs back to the USA and being LESS dependant on China, plus closes the southern Mexico border.

Not sure I believe that whole thing 100%, but it does make one step back and think for a minute.........................

Lynn 03-19-2020 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Burd (Post 1489437)
I saw a video from the cdc, looks like people with type O blood do better with the virus. Type A is way worse.

Sherri and I went by the Blood Institute Tues. and gave blood. I am O+. I anticipate they will have a shortage of donors, so we wanted to do our part to keep them ahead of the curve.

I am NOT saying the virus will create the need for more blood. Just saying less people will get out and donate.

SuperNovaSS 03-19-2020 06:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Mr70 (Post 1489456)
Pretty dramatic fact.

I feel that is has become clearer here in just a matter of days. It could be a coincidence but I can’t remember being able to see this clearly across the Monterey bay from my house in a very long time, if ever.


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